Saturday, July 19, 2008

River Trip

So, it has been a really long time since I have had time to post anything. I have a quick second that I thought I would tell you about our trip today. Adison has been wanting to go up the mountain and she begs to go swimming. Morgan and Alison were running the river so when Rafe ended up not working we decided to hurry up the mountain and go with them. I told Adison we are doing your two favorite things. She was really excited to go. At first she was nervous but, by the end she was in the water up to her hips and hanging over the side of the raft. She would say "I freezing cold!" and "I soaking wet!" She loved it. She got so excited when the "waves" would come. She would sit and laugh and say "fun, fun, fun!" She was so tired that by the time we got back to the lodge to turn in our life jackets she was out like a light. It was really nice to spend the day outside with Rafe and Adison.

1 comment:

Ben and Marcie said...

I'm glad Adison had fun. I just wish we could have stayed to go down with you guys! It was good to see you for a few minutes though! :)