Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Wish me luck.....

So I am finally going to do it! I am in a biggest loser club with my sister. We started yesterday and I am not sure what I should and should not be eating, any tips would be appreciated. Hopefully in the end I will feel better, look better, and be $350.00 richer!! Wish me luck.


Nick and Jesse Coleman said...

There is a plan called Volumetrics that is really good. It is not "gimmicky". The basic concept is the energy density of food--for example, you can have one small cookie or a whole bowl of strawberries with a drizzle of chocolate syrup for the same number of calories, but the strawberries are much healthier and you will be more full from them than you would from the cookie and less likely to keep snacking. As a future doctor, I recommend it :) Good luck, Jada! Keep us all posted on your success!

Ben and Marcie said...

Good luck! I think that is awesome! I don't know if I could do it! Keep us posted!!

Jarod & Jamie said...

stay far away from sodas, and loaded sugars, most all desserts. I did this for 3 months and lost 20 pounds and won my biggest loser contest.