I always feel like I can't post with out a picture hence the lack of posting! :) I never feel like I have time to post at home where I have access to my photos. Odd that at work I have more time to play on the internet. I thought I would give an update of a few thing going on in the world of the Dudley's.....
Adison is almost done with preschool. CRAZY!!! She is all registered for Kindergarten. I am such a proud mama! I don't want to brag but it is worth bragging about in my book. (She does have a small issue with separation anxiety but, with time I am hoping she will grow out of it. ) At her kindergarten testing I had to go with her for the first few minutes. The first thing they did was test her eyes. She could see great even through the tears. Next was to draw a stick person. She is amazing!!!! The average score is 10 points and my little artist received 14!!! Her preschool teacher said that is the highest number she has heard of!! She used details and was very neat in her drawing. They also did a hearing test. Her hearing is great. Another thing was to listen to a story and then retell it to the lady. She told me she was so proud of herself. They also did vocabulary and literature. When I saw the note they had written I was confused. It said "did not ceiling" I thought what the heck does that mean? When they explained it she said it means that she never really topped out, she never hit the ceiling. She could just keep going and she would do great! The average for that one is 100 and Adison's note said 116+!!! As a mom you want your child to be the best and I was floored at how well she did!! I love you Adison! I am so excited you are excelling and loving every minute of it!
Also a shout out to Forever Young Preschool here in Vernal. If anyone is looking for an AMAZING Preschool they are well worth the money!!! Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Young.
Kenna is getting too big too fast! She is now potty trained!!! Yeah. I still put her in a pull up at night but she does a good job of keeping it dry most nights. She is growing like a weed. She is getting to where when Adi grows out of something I move it to Kenna's drawer. This morning she actually got herself dressed in one of Adison's shirts and you couldn't tell the difference. She LOVES to talk on the phone! She has to call her Aunt Meika, Grama Nutt, and Papa Moe everyday. She is so hillarious she keeps us consantly laughing. She weighs 31 pounds! I was contemplating buying a new carseat to put in the truck and then realized she is big enough to sit in a booster with a back. Cool.....yet my baby is growing up. She loves it!
Rafe has been on cloud 9. In February we had to put down his dog Jenga. Since then he has been talking about the next dog we get. I wasn't quite ready for a new dog yet but he talked me into it :) After he got his bonus from work he really wanted to save some of the money for a dog. He has always loved American Bulldogs (nothing like English Bulldogs). An American Bulldog is the one on Homeward Bound. Anyway he was looking at them and at KSL and he found a lady that had just had a litter and she was selling them the cheapest he had found. He finally talked me into getting it and he called her and someone had just taken the last one. He was devestated. BUT that all soon changed....a few days later he was on KSL and saw a brand new ad for puppies to be born in April. He called me and I told him to call on them. Our new puppy was born on April 12th. We have seen a few pictures of her but have been unable to go out to West Valley to see her in person. The family we are getting her from has been really good to deal with. They have kept in touch with us and are emailing us to keep us up to date. They even mailed us a book all about American Bulldogs. We will head out to West Valley around May 14th to pick which girl we want and then bring her home on May 28th. I am more and more excited every time I see her or hear more about her!! Still deciding on a name.
I feel like I am still doing the same stuff....I picked up an extra 1/2 day at work. So now I am officially part time. I still do my bunco group once a month (although we don't play bunco every month we still call it bunco :) I have been doing Zumba and it is so much fun! I had to quit for a month or so but I am excited to go back on Monday. One of my last posts was about my calling in the Primary at church. I am sad/glad/teary/happy to announce that I have been released. About a month ago they called me in the bishops offfice and told us we were going to be released that day. It was a sigh of relief knowing that I could relax again and just go to an adult class. Now, I miss my primary kids. This last week I had to go check on Kenna in nursery so I stuck my head in primary and just watched the kids for a few minutes. I learned to love them so much!! I am very greatfull for my calling and everything I learned from it. I look forward to the next one.....maybe Young Womens???? I have always wanted to be in Young Womens but, only the Lord knows where I will be needed.
Okay, now that I have written a novel I think I am gonna go get some lunch! Man! Hard day at work today :)