Kenna had her first birthday on December 18, 09. I have been slacking on posting about her because I really wanted to put pictures of her birthday but I decided I don't want to wait any more.
Here are the things that my beautiful one-year old loves to do.....
1. DANCE! Anytime any kind of music comes on (expecially commercials) she will stop whatever she is doing and go over to the TV and Dance! We got a really funny video just the other day.
2. Brush her teeth! 11 teeth and counting. her most recent teething experience was 5 at one time. Wow that was fun! She will climb to find her toothbrush at all hours and just brush and brush.
3. Play with Dan. She has always loved to play with Dan (our pug) but recently she loves him even more. She will stand and say "mere, mere" and hold out her hands until he comes to her. It's the cutest thing.
4. Eat! She will eat anything. What a change from her sister. Kenna is a veggie kid. She will always eat the veggies first. The other day she ate a huge piece of a red pepper. I thought she would spit it out but, no she went back for seconds!
5. Talk! It has been almost two weeks since she got tubes in her ears and boy does she talk! I love to listen to all the new words she knows. The newest is "beep"
6. Clap! Clapping is the greatest thing. Anytime anything happens she just smiles and claps.
7. Summer Saults! Adison is always doing summer saults around the house. One day Kenna decided she wanted to try. She just tucks her little head down as much as she can and sits there. Once someone notices her we will got and help "push" her over. I love it!
8. Walk/Run on the kitchen table. One of her favorite spots is the kitchen table. She is such a climber. As soon as she knows someone is coming to get her down she runs to the other side of the table.
9. Pushing chairs. We have the big kitchen chairs at the table and she will get behind them and push them all over the kitchen. It is so cute she is barely tall enough to see where she is going.
10. Play! She loves to play. She loves her big sister and wants to do whatever Adi is doing. She loves babies and barbies and most recently a rocking horse that makes music when it moves. She loves balloons and Grandma Rosies new puppy. She loves bath time and water. She loves to help unload the dishwasher. She loves peek-a-boo. She loves everything!
I am so grateful for my little bundle of joy. I don't know what we would do with out her. She makes me smile everyday. Even when she just wants DAD!
I love you Kenna
Love, Mom